Under this thread of the work we intend the sowing of seeds of the kingdom of God which work towards the common good – the work here is intentionally creative, local and active.
We are working to projects here. Below are some of those projects in development or under way.
Urban Orchard
We began clearing the ground at the back
of our Gateway facility in 2017 and planted the first trees in April. We are
planning on growing apple and plum trees, with seasonal fruits and vegetables,
and have set up a bugs hotel and a hedgehog house!
We are starting to build these growing seasons into our work with children and young people across our activities while also connecting with local allotments, exploring how we enable links across local growing spaces.
We are hoping to make our own jams! This is a developing work which is also involving people from across the groups using our community hub.
The Shed
Assisted, in its building phase, with
funding from Glasgow City Council, this project intends to provide opportunity
to make things for green spaces, community lanes, gardens
and orchards across the southside of
Glasgow, providing friendships between people and groups. The foundations were
laid in March 2018, alongside a relaying of our rear patio which forms a link
between the shed, the urban orchard and one of our halls. The shed is a large
log cabin which will be kitted out to provide the tools, space and materials to
make what is needed. This project is being developed in friendship with groups
which meet through our community hub, including Volunteer Glasgow Befriending
groups and AA.
The Shed was built across May & June 2018 with a planned start in the Spring of 2019.
We are exploring how this project can link to other local developments combating loneliness.
This is a creative engagement locally,
working with ethnographic tools and photography/video intending to understand
and work with issues, histories and narratives of the Merrylee Housing scheme,
to prompt re-makings of places. This project intends to be an enabling work for
the local community to speak to wider bodies, seeking change.
An early partnership project within this wider work is ‘the wee blether’ where we are linking with Govanhill Housing Association, within the Merrylee scheme and local residents, to bring about conversation across generations.
For details and to explore sharing in it, please get in touch with derrick@cathcartbaptist.online.
The afternoon tea project
Here we are seeking to provide teas,
coffees & cakes in a lovely setting with creative arts available, to help
people grow out of loneliness and find new paths of relationships with each
other. These are occasional events across the year – look out for the next one
on our events page.
For details and to explore sharing in it, please get in touch with derrick@cathcartbaptist.online.
Merrylee Treasure Hunt
Looking for something to do? Why not try our Merrylee Treasure Hunt?
Great to do with the family or friends, it's a short self-guided walk around Merrylee where you follow the instructions, solve the clues and find the treasure!
Renew/Wellbeing Cafe
Thursdays, from 21st October 2021
Set within the café/kitchen base, and across to our shed project, all welcome!
The Renew/Wellbeing project provides a simple café style space where hobbies and activities are shared or co-produced. There is a quiet space open to the café/kitchen, for prayer, stillness, renewing. We are working in collaboration with our friends in Cathcart Trinity and Cathcart UF Churches to enable this new project to develop within our facilities.
The project is supported by Renew/Wellbeing
We currently run the cafe space within the community hub at Cathcart Baptist Church, 96 Merrylee Road, Glasgow G43 2RA.
Warm Hub
We are linking in with the Warm Welcome UK Initiative across the winter of 2022/2023 as part of a response to the cost of living crisis underway. This initiative supports organisations to open their doors and provide a warm welcome for those struggling to heat their homes this winter. We are opening our warm hub alongside others locally in a coordinated effort to provide access to heated spaces across a week for any who may need it. Details of Warm Welcome are available at https://www.warmwelcome.uk/ . We are opening from 2-5pm on Wednesday afternoons, from the 2nd November 2022, running through to the end of February 2023. Our sanctuary & cafe spaces of the church will be available, where you can serve yourself with teas & coffees, biscuits. Wifi is available and tables/seating as needed.